FROG® Test Strips for Hot Tubs

Quick & Easy Hot Tub Test Strips

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Most test strips are designed to test for chlorine or bromine levels of conventional sanitizing systems.  But FROG isn’t a conventional system. Our bacterial-killing minerals cut the need for chlorine or bromine in half. We created FROG Test strips to help you dial in the correct low levels in your hot tub—which can make your chlorine or bromine cartridge last twice as long.

Pool Foreground Hot Tub Foreground

Quick and easy – just dip, shake and get an accurate reading in 2 seconds

The ideal bromine levels are right on the bottle

Also tests for pH, Total Alkalinity and Total Hardness

Helps FROG hot tub cartridges last longer


Video Introduction to FROG Test Strips

Frog Testing

Additional Information

In 2 seconds, you can know precisely what level of chlorine or bromine is in the water as well as balance your pH, Total Alkalinity and Hardness. Simply dip the FROG Test Strip into the water, remove with the pads facing up and shake once to remove the water. Then put it up to the color chart on the bottle and compare. If you are in the ideal ranges as shown with the green brackets, then you are experiencing Fresh Mineral Water®!

What if I use regular test strips with my FROG product?

Regular test strips will not show the ideal chlorine or bromine range used with FROG products.  Their ideal range is higher which means you would use more chlorine or bromine than you need – costing more to replace your pacs or cartridges.

What is the ideal chlorine or bromine range for FROG?

For chlorine in pools it is 0.5 to 1.0 ppm. For chlorine or bromine in hot tubs, it is 1.0 to 2.0 ppm.

How are FROG Test Strips different from FROG @ease Test Strips?

FROG @ease for hot tubs uses a special type of chlorine that is self-regulating, so users don’t have to monitor their free chlorine levels.  Those test strips simply have an out indicator when SmartChlor is empty.  FROG Test Strips are for all other FROG product users as it shows the ideal free chlorine or bromine range that you can adjust your product settings to achieve.

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Frog Water Care App

Eads Richard - August 19, 2024

What happened to the app? Been trying to re-download it for days and it just says that it’s down for ‘maintenance’. I just spent a bunch of money of refills for my hot tub and the app is not working.

FROG Products - August 19, 2024

Hi Eads! We apologize for the inconvenience. The FROG® Water Care App is currently down for maintenance. We recommend that you test your water with FROG Test Strips for pools and hot tubs and use FROG® @ease® Test Strips if you use FROG @ease in your hot tub or swim spa. Only FROG test strips show the ideal free chlorine or bromine levels for FROG Pools and Hot tubs, or “Out Indicator” for FROG @ease users; other test strips will cause confusion. Please subscribe to our newsletter to be notified when it’s back up and running: In the meantime, you can also find our Diagnose a Problem Tool ( as well as our Youtube Channel ( there too. Thank you for your patience!

Carl Hicks - July 29, 2020

Very please with the frog strips

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