What size swim spa will FROG @ease work in?
Swim Spas up to 3,000 gallons are perfect for FROG @ease.
How does FROG @ease with SmartChlor compare to using chlorine?
SmartChlor Technology maintains a consistently low Free Chlorine level of 0.5 – 1.0 ppm at all times. It creates a reserve that converts to Free Chlorine when it senses demand on the swim spa. Industry standards for traditional chlorine level are 1.0 – 3.0 ppm. Plus, chlorine’s “Free Chlorine” level drops significantly under demand, and requires shocking continually. SmartChlor reduces shocking to only once a month!
How can it work so well with 75% less chlorine?
SmartChlor is a unique chlorine. It consistently maintains a low 0.5 to 1.0 ppm free chlorine level. It works together with FROG Sanitizing Minerals to kill bacteria 2 ways, giving you a Cleaner, Clearer, Softer swim spa that’s Easier to maintain.
How long do the Mineral and SmartChlor cartridges last?
The Mineral Cartridge lasts four months or whenever the swim spa is drained and refilled. The SmartChlor Cartridge lasts 3-4 weeks.
How Often do you need to Shock the swim spa?
Shock only once a month, when the System tilts at about 3/4 rotate over in the water, typically at about 3 weeks, add a packet of FROG Maintain for Swim Spas to maximize the life of the SmartChlor Cartridge up to one more week.
Is a FROG @ease System expensive?
SmartChlor is slightly more expensive than chlorine (dichlor) but less than other systems. Consumers who have tried it tell us it is SO worth the money because it makes owning a swim spa extremely easy with far less monitoring and no shocking for an entire month. You save time and the cost of shock treatments plus with up to 75% less chlorine, your suits won’t fade and your swim spa has less wear and tear.
Can I remove FROG @ease from the swim spa when I’m relaxing or swimming in the water?
Yes. Simply set it on a surface that is not susceptible to bleaching and remember to replace it when you exit the tub.