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Why it’s essential to use FROG @ease Test Strips

  • A hot tub using FROG @ease does not test the same way as a hot tub using dichlor
  • FROG @ease uses a unique chlorine, SmartChlor Technology, plus minerals to maintain a consistent low chlorine level and keep your hot tub water Cleaner, Clearer and Softer
  • FROG @ease Test Strips were designed especially with an Out Indicator, a one-color match that designates when the SmartChlor Cartridge is empty. They also measure Total Alkalinity, pH, and Total Hardness levels for proper water balance
  • When the FROG @ease Test Strip is lighter than the Out Indicator color block, located on the test strip bottle, it’s time to replace the SmartChlor Cartridge
  • FROG Test Strips do not measure Free Chlorine
  • Why? Since the Free Chlorine remains consistently at 0.5–1.0 ppm there is no need to test for it
  • SmartChlor creates a reserve that converts to Free Chlorine when it senses the demand, it’s self-regulating. The reserve will start high and slowly deplete over the life of the cartridge as it converts to Free Chlorine when needed – no action required
  • With standard chlorine, like dichlor, you must maintain a Free Chlorine level of 2.0 – 4.0 pm, much higher than FROG @ease, and you need to shock when the Total Chlorine level is higher than the Free Chlorine.
  • With SmartChlor, Total Chlorine will always be higher than Free Chlorine until the Cartridge is empty. Total chlorine is represented by the SmartChlor reserve that is slowly used up over the life of the cartridge