What if I use regular test strips with FROG @ease for Swim Spas?
Regular test strips will be confusing because they will read a low free chlorine level and a high total chlorine level which normally means it’s time to shock. With FROG @ease, it means the product is self-regulating perfectly to meet the sanitizing needs of your swim spa and no action is required.
How does water balance affect FROG @ease?
It is very important that you check the Total Alkalinity and pH of the swim spa at least once a week to make sure it is staying in the correct range of 80-120 for TA and 7.2 to 7.6 for pH. SmartChlor effectiveness will drop if the water is not balanced.
How are FROG Test Strips different from FROG @ease Test Strips?
With SmartChlor Technology self-regulating the chlorine level, you don’t have to monitor it. So FROG @ease Test Strips have a simple out indicator to show when the SmartChlor Cartridge is empty. FROG Test Strips are for anyone using a FROG product with standard chlorine or bromine. It helps monitor those levels in the ideal range when using FROG minerals, so you get the most from Fresh Mineral Water.