What size hot tub will FROG Serene work in?
Hot tubs 150 to 600 are perfect for FROG Serene.
How does FROG Serene compare to other bromine floaters or using chlorine?
If you are tired of smelly chlorine odors and having to spoon in chemicals every time you use your hot tub, SPA FROG is for you. FROG Serene is not just bromine. It contains FROG minerals that destroy bacteria so you need up to 50% less bromine. The result is soft water without bleached suits or smelly odors.
How long do the mineral and bromine cartridges last?
The mineral cartridge lasts four months or whenever the hot tub is drained and refilled. The bromine cartridge lasts 2-4 weeks.
Can I remove SPA FROG from the spa when in use?
Yes. Simply turn it upside down on any surface so the water fills the green holder and doesn’t make a mess. Just remember to replace it when you exit the tub.